Reflection 1

A personal reflection on the separation caused by military training and deployment from the perspective of an Air Force wife.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Busy is good...

The past few days have been a bit hectic and busy which is a welcome distraction since it feels like the days go by faster.  When things die down, that's when the sadness slowly creeps in, that's the time I remember that at the end of my day Aaron's day is just beginning... a world away.  I miss the hugs, cuddles and kisses, all I can do is count the days down and look forward to our reunion.  Making the best of the little time we have together before he has to leave again.  I can't help but wonder how it is for those wives or husbands whose spouses are being deployed frequently... does it get easier each time their spouse leaves or does it hurt just as much as the first time?  I hope that this is something that we don't have to re-experience for a long time, again with the selfishness but I can't help it.  I just need to focus on the stuff I need to take care of now, while he's back, when he leaves again and when we are finally reunited.  Looking forward to our Spring time trip then back to the States to visit our families helps tremendously.  I miss him so much and love him with all my heart...  I can't wait to see you again Babes!!!


  1. Hello I found your blog on I thought I would check it out. I know how your feeling my husband just left this Tuesday and he won't be back until Jan or Feb 2012. I try really hard not to think about it because it just makes it that much worse. We have been married almost 4 years. Our anniversary is July 21st but he won't be here which sucks! He will also miss all the holidays this year and this will be the first time I spend them without him. Luckily I have a full time job so that does help some and I am starting the gym this coming week to help time go by more quickly. It's been less than a week and I already feel like it's been months. I don't know sometimes when I will get to talk to him next. But we do email back and forth. When your hubby deploys just live by the motto every other wife lives by when her hubby is deployed..."No news is good news" But I completely get what your saying about just wanting him home to cuddle with. Deployments and just separation in general makes you miss the smallest of things. But keep your head up and stay strong. You can do this. If you need anything please feel free to message me on my blog as well or I can give you my email if you want it.

  2. Oh my gosh, we're definitely in the same boat, my husband will be returning around that time as well and he will be missing our anniversary which is July 19th because of his training. Of course he'll miss all of the holidays, too just like yours. Thanks so much for the comment, it's always good to hear that there are others going through the same thing as you!
