Reflection 1

A personal reflection on the separation caused by military training and deployment from the perspective of an Air Force wife.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day

So today is the 4th of July, Independence Day, a time for celebration, family bbq's, fireworks and all around merriment.  In the midst of all the celebration we sometimes forget what this holiday is all about.  We celebrate the 4th of July because 235 years ago, America became America when we won our independence from British rule.  Today, while we aren't fighting for independence, we are, however,still in the middle of three wars. That means that thousands of miles away we have our American men and women no where near their families so they can defend our country and for that I salute them, thank you for all you do!
This Independence Day has been a quiet one for our daughter and I.  We did some laundry, watched a bunch of movies and had some chicken cacciatore for dinner then watched the fire works show on base from my master bedroom balcony.  All that was missing was Aaron and it broke my heart when our daughter mentioned that, saying how much she wished her Dad was here with us.  I couldn't help but think of all the holidays and special occasions that we wouldn't be spending together because of his deployment.  Our daughter is aware of this but it hasn't settled in and I imagine that it won't until he actually leaves.  I'm just praying everything goes by quickly and we reunite with Aaron, who comes back to us safe and sound.

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